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Monday 31 December 2012

The Whole Picture - Inspirational Insight No. 45

Hey Quester’s – Happy New Year! Hope 2013 will be a vast improvement on 2012, since some of you have had a very rough emotional year or a relentless workload that left little room for creative pursuits or enough family time. With the passing of my father-in-law my husband is dealing with the day to day emotions that come with loss. Strangely enough he discovered his creative talent just a few months before his father died (photography) and that has helped him see the continuous beauty of the natural world and the special people that dwell around him. Blessings and healing to those who have lost someone special in 2012 – retain those good memories while focusing on your own well-being and spiritual growth.
I think 2013 will be a wonderful year for seeing the whole picture, for focusing on the important things; family, friends, love, comfort, nurturing, creativity and finding a sense of peace within daily life (even when you are busy). This is a year of stress minimisation! If there is too much stress in your life it’s time to dismantle the pressure. If you have already achieved this you are setting a fine example for those who need to soak in this calming influence. Good work!
For those in need of tranquil and nurturing surroundings this means slowing down, taking a breath between thoughts and words (speaking), listening to other, spending time with family and friends, not making any desperate or unsound decisions, spending time in the natural world, wanting less, learning at your own pace, being slow to anger, understanding unique differences in others, getting back to basics, making room for exercise, creativity with no boundaries, being kind to yourself and delighting in the natural variances that grace our world. Be happy in 2013 – see the whole picture.
Sharon D. Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage
If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send.
Email: (and google+)
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


Monday 6 August 2012

Rest and Recuperate - Inspirational Insight No. 44

Hey Quester’s – there comes a time in every year when you feel tired, unmotivated and drain of energy – this is your body saying, ‘I NEED A REST.’

Let’s face it; we really do expect a lot of ourselves, trying to squeeze more out of everyday! If the red flag has gone up several times and you didn’t bother to listen, colds or flu step in to slow you down. It is not that different to a computer virus – if it isn’t re-charged and protected it doesn’t work properly. So don’t fight it, resign yourself to some extra rest and sleep. Stop forcing yourself to stay awake, take a day off and surrender to some blissful peace.

It’s only one month till spring if you live in Australia, so rest and recuperate and shake off some winter layers, we are reborn when the flowers bloom. Spend time in your garden as the leaves and blossoms unfold, it’s good for the soul. The majestic power of nature really is a great awakener of all energies. Really celebrate the natural world, like the seasonal nature ceremonies of so many ancient and agrarian cultures.

After the body and mind are rested you will once again be brimming with energy and inspiration, but until then spend some quiet time on the couch and be thankful to have the sun’s rays warming up your world.

Sharon D Bush 

Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send.
Both blogs also on both face book and twitter.  Email: (and google+)
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Where Does Inspiration Come From? - Inspiational Insight No. 43

Hey Quester’s – I know you are all inspired individuals working hard on your personal Quest, but where does inspiration actually come from?

Inspirational ideas hit with speed and certainty, like a statement or evolving thought that it loaded with potential. But where does it reside? I personally believe there are at least three things at work here.

1.     Your mind and personality are always working hard to answer the questions you put forth – sort of like a giant calculator on a time delay. Eventually the answer springs out ready for action.

2.     The soul or higher self is an internal engine driving our ideal purpose and the joys we want to experience and after being ignored for far too long, it pushes to the core of the mind and heart in a spectacular release! The work it done, but it waits for the applause, the grand recognition.

3.     Growth and timing play an important part because you need to be mature enough to understand the vision and actively do something with it! If the inspiration comes to you when you are not ready, immature, or hold too many fears, you will quickly knock it on the head until it pops back up again a few years later. You know you’ve heard it before!

4. Don't forget all the beautiful things that assist our inspiration and purpose - everything we see, feel, smell, taste, hear and the emotions that go with it.

So inspiration comes from within; possible from your personal treasury, warehouse or cave (heart, mind and soul hopefully working together for once). It may feel that it is in the air just floating around ready to be picked up, but it is all you and the magnificence you bring to this world!

Do yourself a favour, give your inspiration a voice.

Sharon D. Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send.
Both blogs also on both face book and twitter.  Email: (and google+)
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).

Friday 1 June 2012

The Profound Sacred Energy of Winter! - Inspirational Insight No. 42


Hey Quester’s – Yesterday was the first day of winter! I think it is important to give thanks at the start of each new season for the gifs of the natural world, so I thank the earth, water, fire, air, sun, moon and for letting me and my family experience the wonders of life on Earth. Without these balanced elements life ceases to exist. Remember to thank any spiritual sources if you have asked for help over autumn.

Winter is a deeply calming introverted time of reflection. Though winter is often seen as a dormant time for plant life, there is substantial growth beneath the soil. So for you creative types – there is a lot of bubbling ideas and profound insights waiting for recognition and activation (you’ll know which ones are worth pursuing). So go for country walks, do keep up your meditation, appreciate the season with warm winter foods and wine and get a massage to release any stress. But most importantly write anything of value on a notebook, creative diary, or on your phone – it is important to record your thoughts and ideas. Be calm and peaceful while you harness winters sacred energy in preparation for spring.

Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage
See you in two week – on Friday
If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward it on.
Both blogs on both face book (Google + an interactive site)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Motivators that Speed up your Quest! - Inspirational Insight No. 42


Hey Quester’s – What’s new in your life? If you have a Quest to continue or a hobby that you love – you certainly shouldn’t be bored. If fact I bet there are more than a few of you who barely know the meaning of the word. Let’s talk about the motivators that speed up your quest.
Some of motivators to getting things done and actively pursuing your Quest are Desire, Death, Jealousy, Family, Wealth and High Motivation Inspiration (by yourself or a mentor/peer).

Desire: If you really want something and it has surpassed everything else on your wish list, you will have a lot of motivation to get things done. Your desire has to be strong, because no one chooses an easy Quest. It wouldn’t be much of a Quest if you could start and finish it in within two months.

Death: We don’t like to think of it too often, but if someone suddenly dies or some natural disaster hits close to home we realise our mortality. We have this life to fulfil our needs – the next life depends on what you believe. At funerals we hear people say, ‘he always wanted to travel around his own country and he had plenty of money, but for some reason he just didn’t go.’ Death prompts us to look at our own journey. Is there something we should be doing?

Jealousy: None of us would care to admit it, but jealousy is a motivational force. If you hear someone is doing something amazing and it is something that interests you, you might think, ‘hey I’ve always wanted to do that, that’s my dream, why haven’t I done it yet? Jealousy can be a motivator that leads to thinking and creativity. Once you are on your way let the jealousy go – it has served its purpose.

Family: Your family might be a motivator to achieving your goals. Your Quest might be a legacy for your family or children. You may want to show them how much you care or show them that you have hidden talents and so do they.

Wealth: You may want your personal Quest to bring you wealth that can support your growing family. You may want money for no other reason that you love money and all that it can bring. Wealth will not be a motivator for everyone, but we all need food on the table and somewhere to lay our head and that costs a lot of money. If you can make a profit doing what you love that is indeed worth pursuing. Just don’t let greed become your master.

High Motivational Inspiration: Keeping motivation high by yourself is not always easy. Motivation comes in waves; we would be exhausted if the adrenalin was pumping all the time. A mentor or peer support person can be highly motivating. It’s great to have someone say, ‘how is your book going,’ or ‘how are your plans going? You could put up an affirmation (buy one or create your own) that motivates you each morning. An active mental meditation with purpose and direction can also be highly motivational.

Hope you can find some motivation in any of the above?

Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage
See you in two week – on Friday

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward it on.
Both blogs on both face book pages. (google + an interactive site)

Sunday 25 March 2012

Your Quest! - Inspirational Insight No. 40

Hey Quester’s – How are you? I’m planting my insights on a blog from now on. There is also another one called:
“The Illumination Life,”  this contains spiritual and philosophical info – something to think about.
If you are new to Quester’s Corner – this is a regular email blog (since 2009) to keep people motivated on their personal Quests.

So what is your personal Quest? Do you have a definite direction? Life is full and exciting when you are working towards something special. An engulfing passion that gets you up in the morning gives purpose, inspiration, and direction. This is more than just a hobby, THIS IS YOUR QUEST – the one thing you were born to do! Find that drive within – find your gift! It doesn’t have to be a natural gift, if you need to do more learning on an educational, practical or spiritual level, get started. None of us are born knowing how to automatically do something. Desire is what gets the spark going.

You’ll know if you’ve found your personal Quest because it will feel like a spiritual and emotional journey. Don’t settle for second best as our precious time on this earth is not as long as it seems. Use your time wisely Quester’s; but don’t rush things or you’ll miss something important. Step back occasionally and look at your glorious work so far.

Delve into the secrets within you and conjure up the extraordinary. Meditate or just have some quiet time in nature, make sure you have a pen and paper with you.

You are the master of all your future endeavours.

 Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

See you in two week – on Friday
If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward it on. (google + an interactive site)