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Saturday 27 December 2014

Finding a Worthy Goal in the New Year - Inspirational Insight No. 59

Hey Quester’s, hope you, your family and friends are enjoying the holidays. Getting some quality time with family is important considering our modern lifestyles. Finding a worthy goal in a new year is also important.
Without some sort of goal or plan there is a tendency to float aimlessly from one thing to another. It is part of our nature to plan – hibernating animals plan ahead for winter and the same instinct tells birds that they must prepare to fly great distances. If you are continuing with an existing plan celebrate your dedication and see if it needs any refining before the New Year.
If you are starting something new or something is calling to you don’t be afraid. You have just as much right as everyone else to express your creative visions and embark on your personal Quest. For this to happen your must reframe your world with beautiful scenery, positive people, boundless creativity and self-love. You are special! Find something that makes you happy; don’t spend your life as a slave to normality or what is expected of you. Remove the restrictions and be who you are!
Cement your goal by writing it down and putting it on your wall – a friendly reminder will help you achieve your dreams sooner!
Sharon Bush

Writer   Historian   Artisan  Sage

 If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights or The Illuminated Life, please share to Facebook, twitter or link.
@THESAGE00  or @SACRED_LIVING on Instagram 
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


Friday 7 November 2014

Appreciating Your Accomplishments - Inspirational Insight No. 58

Hey Quester’s, how are you? Hope you are happy, creative and making good opportunities for yourself! I’ve just come back from graduation which was combined with a holiday in New South Wales. Bachelor of Arts: double major in History/Ancient History – University of New England (though I live in Victoria). I’ve realised since I came back that this is a lot to take in and still doesn’t seem cemented in my mind yet. So take a moment to read and appreciate your accomplishments.
For many daily life is a rush; going from one place to another, day after day without really taking stock of personal achievements. It often takes the friendly words of another to remind us of the efforts and accomplishments we have made. I think this is a bit of a problem in our over-achieving western nations. This mindset takes you from the euphoria of completion to the next project sooner than is reasonable. Make time to really appreciate your accomplishments. Soak the feeling in – this is your reward for a job well done!

Such achievements are spiritual milestones - years of dedicated work and learning. Time is needed to appreciate these achievements, though you can certainly do a purposeful meditation to take ownership of your achievements. Just sit quietly on your couch/lounge with some quiet music and look at the wonderful things you have done and be proud. Congratulations to all!
Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Sage   Artisan

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights or The Illuminated Life, please share to Facebook, twitter or link. (The Illuminated Life)
thesage00 on Instagram 

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).   

Friday 26 September 2014

Delegation along the Way - Inspirational Insight No. 57

Hey Quester’s, how are you? Most people I know are very busy, with social events and getting on with their personal endeavours. Spring always brings out the best in people! With that in mind, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance as you pursue your desires.
You all have great insight and want to get on with the forward planning and action, but progress is a lot faster if you delegate! If you’re time poor or just want to speed things up – ask for help!

There are so many things to do and you can’t be good at everything, because that requires a lot of time and it is better to focus your energy on the things you love. If you need a website ask a professional to do it for you – that way all the research and knowhow is done for you! If travel is required and you need flights, visas, accommodation and tour guides, go to a reputable travel agent. If you need to promote your business or event, you can also seek professional help, but if you know your way around social media you might be able to do this for yourself. It’s all a matter of knowing what you can do easily and what you would prefer to trust to someone else. This doesn’t mean that you are not fully embedded in your Quest; it just means you are using your intelligence!

Delegation is an important part of your Quest! Why not employ other talented people to help you? Delegating some household chores might also be a way of freeing up some more creative time.
Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Sage   Artisan
If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights or The Illuminated Life, please share to Facebook, twitter or link. (The Illuminated Life)
thesage00 on Instagram 

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).

Friday 15 August 2014

Working from Home - Inspirational Insight No. 56

Hey Quester’s, hope you are fit and healthy? We are just coming out of a nasty flu or virus. We (my family) have been on the couch for the best part of two weeks. It’s hard for creative types to sit around, but all anyone can do is rest and recuperate. After a very cold Australian winter the first daffodils and almond blossoms are out – only three weeks till spring.
Let’s talk about working from home! I’m sure more than a few of you are doing this whether you work for yourself or work for someone else. For many this is an ultimate goal, but there can be many pitfalls if you are not organised. Working from home is wonderful, but of course there is washing to be hung, dishes to be packed away, and all sorts of miscellaneous items in places they don’t belong. If you can’t ignore these things then your productivity will be down. It may only seem like a small amount of time, but housework is a continuing thing and it will be there again tomorrow!
It is important to plan your day; the exact amount of hours you plan on working. You need to have a start time, breaks and finish. It may be a wonderful day outside and you want to be part of it, but you still have to work! You may be able to take your work outside, but if you can’t, open the windows and let the air through. Maybe a friend has called you for coffee, and you would like to go, but you need to put a time limit on it and tell them what time you need to be back. Other distractions include those things you feel guilty about – I should have done that a year ago! You need to put this on the calendar or sacrifice a Saturday to your work. If you are in an official place of work you get the job done according to the clock, so put some strict discipline on those working from home distractions.
If you work at home is this different from your Quest? If it is you may feel constantly drawn to it. But unless you want to lose your employment you have to give that the priority. Definitely write down any insightful ideas, but work on them later.
If you have children at school working from home can be quite manageable. Make sure you can give your children the full attention they deserve after school. Younger children will need a lot more attention, so maybe part-time work from home is a better option. If you have grandparents or relatives that can help out for a day, this will certainly improve productivity. If either parent is staying home for a few years to look after the children, this is a great time to work on your existing Quest or begin plans to turn your passion into a career. We all know it’s a privilege to have children, so make sure there is balance between work and play.
Do yourself a favour; don’t get stuck with a mortgage, rent or other loan that is making daily life a misery. Downsize or budget, that way you can spend fewer hours at work and more time with family – life is for living! In fact, it should be mandatory for singles or young couples to consider what they want from life, so they live in a property that suits their holistic beliefs. Remove proud thoughts of envy and other comparisons. Do what’s best for you and your family. Focus on the things that make life wonderful!
Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link.
thesage00 on Instagram 

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers). 

Friday 18 July 2014

Heightened Creative Vision - Inspirational Insight No. 55

Hey Quester’s, hope you are finding the secrets that make you a productive and inspirational being? I’m busy getting on with my work, but it also feels like pieces of a puzzle are starting to come together in a startling way. This can emerge after a break from routine or any other form of change that gives you time to relax and contemplate. Though not really a common occurrence, (maybe every five to ten years) insight comes through that lifts the individual to an inspired level of clarity, motivation and direction. After a week or so it can bring a feeling like you are back to square one (though you have gathered vast amounts of experience and intelligence), but it’s more like you are working from a pristine environment where there are less obstacles to tackle. Don't linger on thoughts that the rest of the world already knows what you have recently discovered, I'm sure you are in very good company and comparison is not always that useful. Be proud of your new understanding.
This uplifting experience brings with it a sort of heightened creative vision. All of a sudden you are seeing, feeling and hearing more of the important things in life. What you do with this creative surge is up to you, but it will naturally help you in your areas of interest, if not life itself. We all need more of that relaxing clarity that makes life easier. This kind of creativity helps you work through problems that seemed irrevocable, but suddenly the walls are down and you can see new ways around old problems.
Make good use of this creative awareness, as it is part of your personal evolution. Don’t let too many distractions hinder you in this heightened state, just get on with your work and progress will naturally follow.
Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link.
thesage00 on Instagram 
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


Saturday 21 June 2014

Stages of Your Quest - Inspirational Insight No. 54

Hey Quester’s, hope you are happy, healthy and inspired! Winter is becoming colder in Australia, but some of you are enjoying a fresh spring, hot summer or the colours of autumn. I have finally finished my university degree (double major in Ancient History/History - 300 CE onwards), this study is an integral part of my Quest! So though I have reached completion, I’m reinventing something creative I used to do, I have more time for writing and quality time with my children and husband.
We are all at different stages in our personal Quests! But where are you now? Can you see yourself clearly in a particular stage of your Quest? Are you just getting something off the ground, are you at the middle point, is the finish line in sight? For many, completion actually marks the beginning, especially if you have been planning firm foundations for a business/career. Earning an income from your Quest is certainly a high point, though many will happily keep their Quest as a passionate hobby. This is certainly a question each Quester must decide upon.

It is important to decide where you are in your Quest and congratulate yourself! Only you know the power, passion and creativity you’ve put in! You love what you do so there’s limited frustration – you’ve learnt how to knock on doors, ask the right questions and break down barriers because you are a visionary. You’ve learnt so much and wisdom naturally flows with you, so reward yourself, no matter what stage you are at!

Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link.
thesage00 on Instagram 

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


Tuesday 15 April 2014

Invigorate Your Quest - Inspirational Insight No. 53

Hey Quester’s, how are you all? Hope life’s being kind to you. No doubt some of you are enjoying some time away for the Easter break and whether you are religious or not and depending on what religion you might follow – public holidays provide needed rest.
Be kind to yourself, slow the mind right down and appreciate simple pleasures. Your energy levels will undulate during your Quest; sometimes there are energetic highs were you are at your create best, then there are those smooth steady progress days and times when you would rather be doing something else. This is a very natural process – everyone needs a rest.
The best way to invigorate your Quest is to relax and recuperate, that is when the creative soul renews its purpose and important spiritual information makes it through to your conscious state. This inspiration and confirmation brings new life to your Quest letting you feel the purity and delight of your true purpose. The Quest is you – you are the Quest.

Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link. sharonbush58 on StumbleUpon, thesage00 on Instagram 

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).   

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Scattered Energies - Inspirational Insight No. 52

Hey Quester’s, how is the year treating you? In the gap between one unit of study and the next, getting the kids off to school and adjusting to this year’s routine I’m personally feeling like my energies are scattered. Too many things to do and catch-up on, and I’m having trouble making a decent effort on any of them. But I’ve had a rest and now I need to get on with it!
In an effort to find a way forward and be productive, consider what is most important on your list and allocate a greater amount of time and possible an exact timeslot on certain days. Then think about the next two things on your list and give them a lesser portion of time – maybe a few hours on the weekend will suit. Doing too many things leads to a lack of focus and when you consider household chores and important family time there is enough to do. Everything else on your list will have to wait in the queue (unless you decide that it deserves a higher priority).
We are all far too busy and we expect a lot from ourselves, but no one can sustain this pace for too long.  Remember to ask for help, especially with the household cleaning and organising. Get those scattered energies inline and focus on them one at a time. Then you can get back to achieving the things that are important to you!
Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link.

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).