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Monday 31 December 2012

The Whole Picture - Inspirational Insight No. 45

Hey Quester’s – Happy New Year! Hope 2013 will be a vast improvement on 2012, since some of you have had a very rough emotional year or a relentless workload that left little room for creative pursuits or enough family time. With the passing of my father-in-law my husband is dealing with the day to day emotions that come with loss. Strangely enough he discovered his creative talent just a few months before his father died (photography) and that has helped him see the continuous beauty of the natural world and the special people that dwell around him. Blessings and healing to those who have lost someone special in 2012 – retain those good memories while focusing on your own well-being and spiritual growth.
I think 2013 will be a wonderful year for seeing the whole picture, for focusing on the important things; family, friends, love, comfort, nurturing, creativity and finding a sense of peace within daily life (even when you are busy). This is a year of stress minimisation! If there is too much stress in your life it’s time to dismantle the pressure. If you have already achieved this you are setting a fine example for those who need to soak in this calming influence. Good work!
For those in need of tranquil and nurturing surroundings this means slowing down, taking a breath between thoughts and words (speaking), listening to other, spending time with family and friends, not making any desperate or unsound decisions, spending time in the natural world, wanting less, learning at your own pace, being slow to anger, understanding unique differences in others, getting back to basics, making room for exercise, creativity with no boundaries, being kind to yourself and delighting in the natural variances that grace our world. Be happy in 2013 – see the whole picture.
Sharon D. Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage
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Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).