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Friday 28 June 2013

Do Your Core Beliefs Support You and Your Quest? - Inspirational Insight No. 49

Hey Quester’s, how are you?  Working slowly and diligently towards your goals I hope, with the odd distraction of course. What would life be like without those challenging little moments that help us to grow? You don’t have to like them, but they teach us how to strategize and they help us gain patience’s.
This is a good week to think about what your dreams are planted on or in. What sort of foundation is your quest sitting on, is it firmly planted in the earth, or is the soil eroding away from under you? Think carefully about this question: do your core beliefs support you and your Quest? What thoughts come to mind when thinking about the beliefs that support your all-important quest? If you find this exercise hard, ask yourself this question in a meditative state and see what words or sentences flow around you and don’t forget to write them down. Ten years ago I began teaching what I call active meditation, this is a purposely mind active meditation where you are relaxed but gently focusing on a question you need to consider or want answers for (more on this later, but just sit on your couch, use good posture, play some quiet and relaxing music and give it a try).
People assume that their foundation or core beliefs are supportive for their quest, but sometimes they are not, it’s always good to do a little investigation. It may be that the Quest you are on it still in its chameleon stage, still forming and readjusting until there is a clear plan and direction. If all you have ever wanted to do is sing on the stage, but you a petrified the second you get on stage and cannot sing (even though you are a great singer at home), then something just isn’t right. Maybe you would feel supported if you did not have a crowd in front of you, maybe you could be a session studio singer, then you could sing songs for commercials, movies or back-up work for artists with new albums. So here is the question again! Do your core beliefs support you and your Quest?  Maybe your dream just needs a bit of tweaking so it can grow as strong as an oak, one that is so firmly planted that the odd storm feels like a gentle breeze.

Build firm foundations.

Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link. sharonbush58 on StumbleUpon, thesage00 on Instagram 

Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


Tuesday 18 June 2013

What is a Quest? - Inspirational Insight No. 48

Hey Quester’s, what’s new? Hope your Quest is harvesting some simple rewards? The leaves have fallen, so remember to put something away for winter (funds for a holiday, a spiritually creative plan to work on, try some in-depth meditation and contemplation, maybe start your memoirs or join a creative class). Some forward planning never goes astray.
Today I have five Questions and answers for you to think about:

     1.     What is a Quest? 
A Quest is a personal journey to obtain and experience something special. It’s a fantastic journey of self-discovery with challenges along the way. It’s a driving inspirational force lead by you.  A Quest may span a lifetime, but it might take a few completely different directions along the way, or just stay on the one theme.  You are your Quest and your Quest is you! When one Quest is completed you will probably discover another one.
2.     Who can help?
      Anyone can help you with your Quest. Lots of people help inadvertently with a word or deed that can really make a difference. You can enlist others to help if you ask: these may be people you don’t know that you are paying for some sort of trade service or someone you don’t know who have helped you though a website, book or some person you meet via an unexpected synchronicity that has vital information for you. Then there are the constant people in your life, like family and friends, who you can occasionally ask for help in a practical way, (remember to return the favour if they are ever in need): you may just need to test your ideas verbally or need some physical help to put something together. You are a driving force and with a little digging and determination you can help yourself.
3.     Is it a spiritual journey?
Yes, the Quest is a spiritual journey, it’s everything that’s important to you, it’s the voice of your soul; a sort of deep inner yearning – that there is something you need to do. It’s spiritual because it’s every part of you evolving into something profound and sacred. It’s you in communication with yourself and through some sort of meditative practice, the best of you is revealed in a creative dance of passionate insights merging into existence. You can call upon any spiritual or religious deities or mentors for help in understanding any part of your quest.
4.     Are you on your own?
Yes, this is a Quest for one. You have something to do that is different from the next person, but some people are on similar paths and you can help each other, if needed. Everyone has their own Quest (no matter how big or small) – some will act upon this and some will not.  So while you know this is your Quest, you know most people out there are creating and dealing with the challenges of their own path. So you are not really alone, there are tasks you will do alone, but in a happy passionate way because you love what you are doing.
5.      How important is your Quest?
Your Quest is vital to your existence because this is what you came here to do. Though our excitement for the Quest ebbs and flows, it never goes anywhere – it is your constant companion. Your Quest is you and you are your Quest. You are a visionary with wild and often unrealistic ideas, but you have the power to bring them into reality because your thoughts are the essence of an innate magic. You can conjure though the purity of inspiration and that purity gives you access to all that you need. You can enter the unseen world to gather sacred information for your Quest and this gives you wisdom. Your Quest is important because you are a vital energetic form connected to all others.  You have a job to do and your Quest waits.

 Sharon D. Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link. sharonbush58 on StumbleUpon, thesage00 on Instagram 
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).


Monday 10 June 2013

Noticing our Reactions to Barriers - Inspirational Insight No. 47

Hey Quester’s – hope you are all well! I’ve been burning the candle at both ends and managed to catch pneumonia (I was shocked myself – obviously not listening to my own advice). Between the study, looking after my wonderful children, daily tasks, a dash of writing, and not enough exercise and not quite enough home cooked meals my health deteriorated. I’m back on track now, even bought a kick boxing and yoga DVD to straighten out my study back! Hope those of you who live in Australia are looking after yourselves now that winter in here. Don’t forget those lovely homemade soups and stews that are easy to make and be sure to go out walking and get some of that crisp winter air in the lungs.
Have you ever noticed how you react to barriers in your life? You are making progress in your endeavours and then there is an unexpected barrier in your way – inhibiting your movement. Noticing how you react at these times is crucial to your ongoing development. There is first an immediate reaction and then a problem solving phase. Your immediate reaction might be anger, disillusionment, but soon after your mind might think of ways around the problem, or you might have thoughts of giving up?  It is interesting to keep a mental note of these reactions in case there are too many negatives floating around in there!

Noticing your reactions to sudden barriers will help you understand yourself a little better and allow you to heal or remove any negative programing that doesn’t really belong to you (possibly picked up from someone while growing up). Elevating your underlying strength and confidence will help you rise to any future challenges. On the extreme there are also people who are so bogged down with rules that they barely realise that they are holding themselves captive. Liberating the mind is essential here, but it can be done by dissolving the edges and weakening fixed ideas that inhibit future prospects. Try saying yes instead of no occasionally; maybe even spend one week being easy going! Make your decisions slowly, instead of instantly stating your answer.
Personal strength is the best foundation for your life to rest upon and keeping an eye on that underlying mind chatter is vital. Those of you who have long been delving into their psyche will have cleared most of the debris, and know how to counter those sneaky little negative self-judgements. Remember that you are strength personified, your soul is pure and your mind is delightfully intelligent. Don’t give up – find a way through! You are free to explore the deep beauty of a life and eliminate disruptive barriers.

Sharon D. Bush
Writer   Historian   Artisan   Sage 

If you know anyone else who would like to receive Quester’s Corners – Inspirational Insights, please forward/send/link. sharonbush58 on StumbleUpon, thesage00 on Instagram  Email: 
Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).