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Friday 26 September 2014

Delegation along the Way - Inspirational Insight No. 57

Hey Quester’s, how are you? Most people I know are very busy, with social events and getting on with their personal endeavours. Spring always brings out the best in people! With that in mind, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance as you pursue your desires.
You all have great insight and want to get on with the forward planning and action, but progress is a lot faster if you delegate! If you’re time poor or just want to speed things up – ask for help!

There are so many things to do and you can’t be good at everything, because that requires a lot of time and it is better to focus your energy on the things you love. If you need a website ask a professional to do it for you – that way all the research and knowhow is done for you! If travel is required and you need flights, visas, accommodation and tour guides, go to a reputable travel agent. If you need to promote your business or event, you can also seek professional help, but if you know your way around social media you might be able to do this for yourself. It’s all a matter of knowing what you can do easily and what you would prefer to trust to someone else. This doesn’t mean that you are not fully embedded in your Quest; it just means you are using your intelligence!

Delegation is an important part of your Quest! Why not employ other talented people to help you? Delegating some household chores might also be a way of freeing up some more creative time.
Sharon Bush
Writer   Historian   Sage   Artisan
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Book: The Scrolls of Wisdom, philosophical/spiritual self-help book finished (on the final edit – looking for publishers).